- The late 1930s – a group of students at the Case School of Applied Sciences in Cleveland, Ohio, found a local Catholic fraternity called Theta Psi Kappa.
- May 31, 1941 – Theta Psi Kappa is chartered as the Alpha Beta chapter of Phi Kappa Fraternity, a national Catholic fraternity founded in 1889. May 31 is celebrated as the chapter birthday.
- 1947 – The Case School of Applied Sciences becomes the Case Institute of Technology.
- No later than 1949 – The Alpha Beta chapter of Phi Kappa rents a house at 2077 Cornell Road.

Photo from 1950 Case Yearbook
- December 30, 1954 – The Alpha Beta chapter of Phi Kappa purchases the house at 11016 Magnolia Drive.

Photo Courtesy John Kobak ’58
- April 29, 1959 – The national fraternity Phi Kappa merges with another traditionally Catholic fraternity, Theta Kappa Phi. The Alpha Beta chapter of Phi Kappa Fraternity becomes the Ohio Alpha Beta Chapter of Phi Kappa Theta Fraternity. April 29 is celebrated as Founders Day.
- 1967 – The Case Institute of Technology merges with neighboring Western Reserve University to form Case Western Reserve University.
- Homecoming 2016 – The Ohio Alpha Beta Chapter celebrates its 75th anniversary.